Tan Chen, Ph.D.
Director, Robotics, Locomotion, and Applied Control (RoLAC) Lab
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Michigan Technological University
Phone: (906) 487-2866
Email: tanchen (at) mtu.edu
Research Interests
I am interested in robotics, dynamical systems, and nonlinear control, with a focus on legged robots. My goal is to advance the
understanding and techniques at the intersection of these fields and AI, while designing robust and safe autonomous systems that can positively transform our lives.
Biographical Sketch
Assistant Professor, Michigan Tech, 2022 - present
Postdoctoral Associate, Coordinated Science Laboratory, UIUC, 2021 - 2022
Ph.D. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Notre Dame, 2021
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2016
M.Eng. (dual Master's program) Optimisation et Automatisation des Processus Industriels, Mines Douai, 2014
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2013
01/2025 I served as a reviewer for the NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities (NSTGRO) program.
12/2024 Shivayogi has successfully passed the PhD qualifying examination, marking the first milestone in his PhD journey. Good
job on the oral presentation, "Musculoskeletal Model Simulation with MyoHand Example"!
11/2024 Our paper on "Image-Based Pose Estimation of Sub-Centimeter Industrial Parts for Automated Assembly" has been accepted to
CoRL 2024 Workshop Assembly. Congratulations, Ham and Yangfei!
10/2024 I received an ICC Achievement Award for my research on bipedal locomotion and neural networks. Thanks, ICC!
10/2024 Anders won the 1st place for his poster presentation, "Integrating CNNs and Depth Cameras for Robust Terrain
Classification in Quadrupedal Robots", at Computing[MTU] Showcase 2024. Congratulations, Anders!
09/2024 The NASA project team has officially come together, and we had a kick-off
meeting for the project. Stay tuned for updates on the progress.
08/2024 Austen Goddu has successfully defended his Master's thesis. Congratulations, Austen!
07/2024 Our lab hosted an "open house" lab tour for high school students
and their parents as part of the
Summer Youth Program (SYP) at Michigan Tech. Thanks to Anders for the help!
07/2024 I was invited by Michigan SBDC to serve as a panelist on "Ask the Experts: The A.I. Disruptors" for
business owners.
07/2024 I co-organized an AIM2024 workshop on "Future of Work in the Age of Robotics and AI". Anders presented
a poster
on legged robot perception at the workshop. Good job, Anders!
06/2024 I received the Ralph E.
Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award.
Thanks to Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)!
06/2024 I served as a chair for the session "Robotics" in the 18th International Conference on Control &
Automation (ICCA)
and gave a presentation on biped sideways locomotion.
04/2024 I was invited to attend the 2024 NSF FRR-NRI PI Meeting. Thanks to NSF and the organizers.
04/2024 I received the NSF CRII Award. Thanks, NSF!
04/2024 Our lab received a grant from NASA. Prof.
Steven Elmer (Doctor of Physical Therapy) is the
co-PI on the project. Thanks, NASA!
12/2023 Shivayogi (MS), Dana (BS), and Anders (BS) have completed their degrees. Congratulations!
They will further pursue their studies and research in our graduate program and our lab.
12/2023 I was invited to give a talk at the KIP seminar hosted by the Department of Kinesiology and
Integrative Physiology.
11/2023 We took our robot dog Go1 outdoors and conducted extensive tests to evaluate its current walking
performance on diverse terrains
such as forests and dunes. Check the videos!
10/2023 Shivayogi gave a poster presentation on RL control for legged locomotion at IROS 2023, and won
the third prize in Showcase [AI] Student Poster Competition organized by ICC. Congratulations, Shivayogi!
07/2023 Our lab hosted a tour to the students in grades 6-11 as part of the Summer Youth Program (SYP)
at Michigan Tech. Thanks to Shivayogi and Dana for helping showcase our lab and robots!
06/2023 I was invited to visit TU Darmsdadt, DLR - Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, and
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. Thanks for the hosting and the support from DAAD.
05/2023 I served as a co-chair for the session "Nonholonomic Systems" in American Control Conference and
gave a presentation on leveraging time-reversal symmetry for global control of UMS.
04/2023 Fabian Beck from German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany was invited to give a guest lecture in my
Digital and Nonlinear Control class. Thanks, Fabian!
03/2023 Ryan received the 2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Award. Congratulations, Ryan!
11/2022 Our lab received the REF award on bipedal robot research. Thanks to the Vice President for Research
08/2022 I have joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Michigan Technological
as an Assistant Professor.
02/2022 I have been selected as a DAAD
AInet fellow for the Postdoc-NeT-AI 3/2022 – AI and Robotics