
  • T. Chen, Geometric Control of Underactuated Mechanical Systems with Application Focus on Bipedal Robots. PhD thesis, University of Notre Dame, May 2021. [ thesis ]

Refereed journal papers

  • J. Motes, T. Chen, T. Bretl, M. Morales, and N.M. Amato, “Hypergraph-based Multi-Robot Task and Motion Planning”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2023.

  • Z. Pan, T. Chen, X. Fang, T. Bretl, X. Gao, and K. Wu, “Environment Warped Gait Trajectory Optimization for Complex Terrains”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022. [ DOI ]

  • T. Chen and B. Goodwine, “Robust Gait Design For The Compass Gait Biped On Slippery Surfaces”, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2021. [ DOI ]

  • T. Chen and B. Goodwine, “Controllability and Accessibility Results for N-Link Horizontal Planar Manipulators with One Unactuated Joint”, Automatica, 2021. [ DOI ]

  • T. Chen, J. Schmiedeler, and B. Goodwine, “Robustness and Efficiency Insights from a Mechanical Coupling Metric for Ankle-Actuated Biped Robots”, Autonomous Robots, 2020. [ DOI ]

  • L. Du, J. Feng, T. Chen, and W. Zhang, “Design of a standalone joint module toward real EAST in-vessel operation use”, Fusion Engineering and Design, 2017. [ DOI ]

  • T. Chen, W. Zhang, J. Yuan, L. Du, and Z. Zhou, “Design of cooling system for inspection manipulator and analysis based on experiment”, Industrial Robot - An International Journal, 2016. [ DOI ]

  • J. Yuan, T. Chen, F. Li, W. Zhang, and L. Du, “Active cooling system for Tokamak in-vessel operation manipulator”, Fusion Engineering and Design, 2015. [ DOI ]

Refereed conference papers

  • T. Chen and B. Goodwine, “Global and Almost-Global Controllability of Underactuated Mechanical Systems by Using Time-Reversal Symmetry”, in Proceedings of the Amerian Control Conference (ACC), 2023.

  • Z. Huang, Y. Mun, X. Li, Y. Xie, N. Zhong, W. Liang, J. Geng, T. Chen, and K. Driggs-Campbell, “Hierarchical Intention Tracking for Robust Human-Robot Collaboration in Industrial Assembly Tasks”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023.

  • T. Chen and B. Goodwine, “A Symmetric Neural Network to Compute Fractional Derivatives by Training with Integer Derivatives”, in Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), 2022.

  • X. Chu, Y. Tang, A. Giordano, T. Chen, and K. W. Au, “Operational Space Control Framework for Planar PA^N-1 Manipulators Using Orthogonal Projection and Quadratic Programming”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021.

  • T. Chen and B. Goodwine, “Control of A 2R Planar Horizontal Underactuated Manipulator”, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2020.

  • T. Chen and B. Goodwine, “Robust Gait Design Insights from Studying a Compass Gait Biped with Foot Slipping”, in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020.

  • T. Chen and B. Goodwine, “Isolation of Unactuation: An Energetic Approach to Derive Static Equilibria for Underactuated Mechanical Systems”, in Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC), 2020.

  • T. Chen and B. Goodwine, “A Simple Approach on Global Control of a Class of Underactuated Mechanical Robotic Systems”, in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2019.

  • T. Chen and B. Goodwine, “Controllability and Accessibility Results for an N-Link Horizontal Planar Pendubot”, in Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC), 2019.

  • T. Chen, J. Schmiedeler, and B. Goodwine, “A Study of the Relationship between a Mechanical Coupling Metric and Gait Characteristics for an Ankle-Actuated Biped Robot”, in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2018.

  • T. Chen, X. Ni, J. Schmiedeler, and B. Goodwine, “Using a nonlinear mechanical control coupling metric for biped robot control and design”, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, 2017.